Destination Wedding Films

We're lucky enough to visit so many beautiful places – both here in the UK and beyond. In a few weeks time we're heading to Sweden to shoot a wedding film. It's all so exciting and there isn't a day that passes where we don't feel incredibly blessed.

At the end of last year we were whisked away to shoot a wedding film in Cannes... at the Carlton Hotel no-less... a mind-blowing experience for us but a wedding we were not allowed to share online... luckily we did take a few photographs which we've been meaning to post for a while now – so here goes... If you're planning a destination wedding and would like us to join the adventure – get in touch or maybe you want us to come to you... either way, we'd love to hear all about it... Japan weddings = top of the list.


For Dawny

The words below will always mean so much to me... I don't think I ever wrote them down... in fact the entire thing just happend. It's a little out-of-tune, a little rough around the edges but to me perfect in every way. To think that this song was written and recorded way back in 2002 still blows my mind... I must have listened to it a thousand times... which is weird considering it's me... but to me, it's you... if that makes any sense.

Dawny, this is for you, but I know you already know that.

Isn't it a waste, to waste our time again. I'll carry you today, past the brightest star, but that star is you. Always in my heart. I think it's time to move, that's my idea too. Carry you again, a million miles away, across the milky-way. Always in my heart.

Thank you for just being you. x

Cat People Magazine

This beautiful magazine has been a favourite of ours for some time now and can always be found hanging around our dining table. Cat People is a collaboration between art director, Jessica Lowe and photographer, Gavin Green. Featuring the cats and lifestyles of four 'cat people' from around the globe... alongside photo-essays, illustrations and more. It really is something very special. Stephen sure loves it and so do we. >>>

Coronation Street

One of our many loves - mooching around shoot locations, studios and film sets. This time - the soon to be demolished (yes, this is happening?!) Coronation Street. In a weird way it kind of felt like home - maybe it was the weather?
